Reconstruction of Syria
12th March 2025 | 10.00 – 15.30 h | hybrid
NUMOV-Conference-Center, Kronenstraße 1, 10117 Berlin

In Cooperation with Harmoon Center for Contemporary Studies, Doha, Qatar

Draft Agenda
10.00 h Opening
Dr Samir Seifan, Harmoon Center for Contemporary Studies
Dr Andreas Reinicke, Director of the German Orient-Institute  

10.15 h Panel I The dynamics of recent transformations in Syria
Samer Bakour: Analyzes of the changes that took place in Syria since 8th December 2024,
the nature of political authority and the complexities of the scene

Muwafaq Nerabieh: Analysis of territorial control, particularly which military factions’ control which areas and analysis of their contradictions – The Rise of ISIS

Lamya Kaddor, MdB, Member of the German Parliament : International and regional dynamics towards the new authority, the position of Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Russia, the United States, Germany’s position, and the issue of sanctions

Björn Gehrmann, Head of Syria Unit & Team Lebanon at the German Federal Foreign Office: International and regional dynamics towards the new authority, the position of Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Russia, the United States, Germany’s position, and the issue of sanctions

Moderation: Dr. Andreas Reinicke  

11.15-11.30 h Coffee Break  

11.30 h Panel II Governance Prospects for the Political System in Syria
Zeidoun AlZoubbi: Monopolizing power and excluding others, deep control over the various states’ institutions. Will the nature of coming political regime in Syria be Islamic or a Democratic state?

Ziad Edwan: Situation of ethnic and religious minorities in Syria.

Volkmar Wenzel, Former Ambassador: German Government Policy towards the new Authority.

Moderation: Dr. Andreas Reinicke  

13.00 h Lunch Break  

14.00 h Panel III Economic needs and opportunities for the reconstruction of Syria
Dr Samir Seifan: Scenarios of reconstruction in relation with sanctions

Adrian Seufert, Dp. Head of Division on International Sactions at the German Federal Foreign Office: Sanctions in relation to the behaviour of new rulers of Syria

David Loew, Syria Department, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development: Interaction of international political actors with the new Syrian government

Moderation: Dr. Kilian Bälz, Member of NUMOV / German Near and Middle East Association  

15.00-15.30 h Conclusions and Recommendations  

The conference is held under Chatham House Rule in English language.